





聯絡人:蘇 玉 燕  副總經理
skype: rachelsu8  
wechat: r0928486835
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:104  

2.1. 徵收外派個人所得稅









In English

2.1. Income Taxes Imposed —

South Korea imposes an income tax.

The tax year is the year from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. The filing period for income taxes is from May 1 to May 31.


Income Tax Act of the Republic of Korea (Korean)

Home Tax Service online filing (Korean)

South Korea National Tax Service (Korean):

• Forms (Korean)

South Korea Ministry of Strategy and Finance: A Guide to Korean Taxation: 2016

2.2. 雇主扣繳範圍


雇主和僱員所得稅需遵循韓國國稅局(韓國財政部下的一個部門)要求。 《所得稅法》是韓國管理稅務問題的主要法案。

In English

2.2. Employer Coverage —

Employers are responsible for withholding both income tax and social insurance contribution from employees’ wages when paid.

Employer and employee income taxes are coordinated through South Korea National Tax Service, a division of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. The Income Tax Act is the primary legislation governing tax issues in South Korea.

2.3. 員工個人所得覆蓋範圍

韓國居民需為其全球收入納稅。非居民僅對其在韓國境內賺取的收入納稅。稅務上居住地的認定是根據納稅人是否在韓國擁有住所以及/或在韓國居住了 183 天或以上來確定。因商業或家庭原因而居留均適用。


In English

2.3. Employee Coverage —

South Korean residents are taxed on their worldwide income. Nonresidents are subject to tax on income earned in South Korea.

Residency for tax purposes is determined based on whether a taxpayer owns a domicile in South Korea and/or he or she resides in South Korea for 183 days or longer. Residency due to either business or family reasons is considered equally.

Employees have a domicile in South Korea when they live with their family in South Korean and/or they reside in personally owned property located in South Korea.

2.4. 員工個人所得稅率和級距

所得稅是以累進稅率徵收,稅率範圍從 6% 至 45%。


自 2023 年 1 月 1 日起生效,韓國個人所得稅稅率以及每個稅級的最低和最高年收入金額如下:

最高1,400 萬韓元6%
超過1,400 萬韓元至5,000 萬韓元以下15%
超過5,000 萬韓元至8,800 萬韓元24%
超過8,800 萬韓元至1.5億韓元35%
超過1.5 億₩至₩ 3 億38%
超過3 億₩至₩ 5 億40%
超過5 億₩至10 億₩42%


最高₩ 1200萬6%
超過1,200 萬韓元至4,600 萬韓元15%
超過4,600 萬韓元至8,800 萬韓元24%
超過8,800 萬韓元至1.5億韓元35%
超過1.5 億₩至₩ 3 億38%
超過3 億₩至₩ 5 億40%
超過5 億₩至10 億₩42%

In English

2.4. Rates and Thresholds —

Income tax rates are levied on a progressive rate ranging from 6% to 45%.

In the country’s progressive income tax system, portions of an individual’s income are allocated to the different income tax brackets. Each portion of income allocated to a tax bracket is taxed at the rate applicable to that tax bracket.

Effective from Jan. 1, 2023, South Korea’s personal income tax rates and the minimum and maximum amounts of annual income for each tax bracket are as follows:

Range of Annual Income (South Korean Won)Income Tax Rate
Up to ₩14 million6%
More than ₩14 million and up to ₩50 million15%
More than ₩50 million and up to ₩88 million24%
More than ₩88 million and up to ₩150 million35%
More than ₩150 million and up to ₩300 million38%
More than ₩300 million and up to ₩500 million40%
More than ₩500 million and up to ₩1 billion42%
More than ₩1 billion45%

Effective from Jan. 1, 2021, to Dec. 31, 2022, South Korea’s personal income tax rates and the minimum and maximum amounts of annual income for each tax bracket were as follows:

Range of Annual Income (South Korean Won)Income Tax Rate
Up to ₩12 million6%
More than ₩12 million and up to ₩46 million15%
More than ₩46 million and up to ₩88 million24%
More than ₩88 million and up to ₩150 million35%
More than ₩150 million and up to ₩300 million38%
More than ₩300 million and up to ₩500 million40%
More than ₩500 million and up to ₩1 billion42%
More than ₩1 billion45%

2.5. 僱主扣繳稅號登記



雇主必須使用企業登記申請表(可在當地稅務局取得)在當地稅務局註冊其企業。註冊需要營業執照或營業申報證明的影本; 租約副本;合夥協議(如果共同經營);證明韓國居住或非居住的文件以及護照和簽證文件的副本。在此過程中不收取任何費用。


In English

2.5. Registration —

Prior to the remittance of withheld taxes, employers and employees are required to register with the chief of their jurisdictional tax office, an extension of the National Tax Service.

The chief of the tax office gives each registered employer and employee a taxpayer code number, which is used during the payment process.

Employers must register their businesses with their local tax office filing a business registration application; a copy of their “business permit” or “certificate of business declaration;” a copy of their lease agreement; a partnership agreement (if jointly operated); documents certifying South Korean residency or nonresidency and a copy of passport and visa document. No fee is required during this process.

Employees using the Home Tax Service online payment method must register on its website by submitting an application and a “digital certification of identification.”

 2.6. 員工個人所得應稅金額



日薪制員工每天可扣除最多150,000 ₩ 。其他受薪人員有權扣除500 萬韓元以下薪資的 70%、 500 萬韓元至1,500萬韓元薪資的 40% 、1,500 萬韓元至4,500 萬韓元薪資的 15% 、4,500  萬韓元至1億韓元薪資的5%, 以及1億韓元薪資以上的2%。​​​​​總扣除額最多為2000 萬₩ 。居民應對所有全球收入納稅。非居民僅需就在韓國境內獲得的收入納稅。

In English

2.6. Taxable Amounts —

Taxable income from employment in South Korea includes all income from wages, salaries, remunerations, allowances, bonuses. Any other amount earned in exchange for services rendered is also considered as payroll income. Retirement income is also subject to income tax.

Wages earned from serving in the armed forces or amount received as compensation for injury or debilitation while furnishing a service are nontaxable income.

In the case of wages, daily workers are subject to exclude up to ₩150,000 per day. Other wage and salary earners are entitled to exclude 70% of wages up to ₩5 million, 40% of wages from ₩5 million to ₩15 million, 15% of wages from ₩15 million to ₩45 million, 5% of wages from ₩45 million to ₩100 million, and 2% of wages in excess of ₩100 million. The total exclusion is limited to ₩20 million.

Residents are subject to taxation on all worldwide income, also known as global income. Nonresidents are only subject to taxation on income earned in South Korea.

2.7. 扣繳方法




In English

2.7. Withholding Methods —

Employers are required to withhold income tax at the time of payment and then remit it to the National Tax Service.

After the end of taxable year, employees are required to file income tax along with the Year-End Tax Adjustment that might qualify them for a refund, such as tax deductions for child care.

For temporary workers paid on a daily basis, employers should withhold 8% of income as income tax withholding.

2.8. 員工個人所得申報退稅及匯款

國外和國內雇主必須根據《所得稅法》為每位員工代扣所得稅。每月申報表的截止日期為扣繳稅款次月的 10 號。


所得稅申報表必須在課稅年度隔年 5 月 1 日至 5 月 31 日期間使用表格 40-1 和表格 40-4 提交。除所得稅申報表外,員工還必須提供稅收抵減和免稅資格的支持文件;用於計算總收入的文件; 以及國稅局特別要求的任何其他文件。



In English

2.8. Returns and Remittance —

Both foreign and domestic employers must withhold income tax for each employee according to the Income Tax Act. Monthly returns are due by the 10th of the month following the month the tax is withheld.

After the end of taxable year, employees are required to file income tax along with the Year-End Tax Adjustment that might qualify them for a refund, such as tax deductions for child care.

Prior to filing, employees must alert employers to any potential deductions. Employers are required to present employees with a receipt of withholding which specifies the total earned income and applicable withholding amounts and deductions.

Income tax returns must be filed between May 1 and May 31 of the year following the tax year using Form 40-1 and Form 40-4. Along with their income tax return, employees must provide their application and supporting documents for tax credits and exemptions; documents used to calculate the total gross income; and any other documents specifically requested by the National Tax Service office.

Taxes may be filed either using the postal system or electronically through the website- Home Tax Service. Tax payments, excluded from withheld amount, can be paid at post offices, banks, by phone-banking, or online using the Home Tax Service.

Employees with only wage and salary income may not need to file a return on income tax at the end of the taxable year.

2.9. 員工持股計畫



In English

2.9. Employee Share Plans —

Employee share plans are liable to income taxes and social taxes at exercise, according to Ernst & Young and the law firm DLA Piper.

Employers must withhold income tax and social taxes for all employee share plans based on the difference between the price employees paid and the market price at the time of exercise. Employers must report and remit these amounts as normal salary payments.

2.10. 記錄保存


In English

2.10. Recordkeeping —

Employers and employees are required to maintain their withholding documents, records of disbursements and tax filings for at least five years.



對於未能提交所得稅申報表的,將處以應納所得稅總額減去預扣繳稅額後的20% 的罰款。少報應納稅款的,依照應納所得稅金額乘以少報金額的比例,再減去預扣繳稅款,處以10%的罰款。故意在報稅表上誤導稅務機關的,依照應納所得稅稅額乘以少報收入的比例的40%處以罰款。未付稅款或少付稅款的,罰款為未付款或少付款總額乘以截止日期與實際付款日期之間的天數,再乘以0.03%。

In English

2.11. Penalties —

Employers and employees are subject to penalties for failure to withhold taxes; failure to file tax returns and/or failure to pay taxes owed.

For failure to file income tax form, a 20% penalty is levied on the total income tax amount minus taxes withheld. For under-reported tax due, a penalty of 10% is levied on the calculated income tax amount multiplied by the rate of the under-reported amount minus the withheld tax. For willfully misleading the tax authorities on tax returns, a penalty of 40% is levied on the income tax amount multiplied by the rate of taxation for under-reported income. For nonpayment or underpayment, the penalty is the total unpaid or underpaid amount multiplied by the number of days between the deadline and the actual date of payment multiplied by 0.03%.


以上內容為永輝研發及教育中心 (簡稱:永輝RD)於2025年1月摘要。
而且您將在永輝RD 人才庫列名,有機會成為RD兼職及合作夥伴。
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聯絡人:蘇 玉 燕  副總經理
skype: rachelsu8  
wechat: r0928486835
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:104  


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