韓國勞動管理諮詢服務 sel4tw

韓國勞動管理諮詢服務 sel4tw

韓國僱傭合約:定期,不定期; 韓國員工福利:員工休假,病假,產假,陪產假,照顧假,育兒假,殤假,婚假:養卹金和社會保障: 意外補償;韓國資遣員工:預告期 ,遣散費,失業保險。

聯絡人:蘇 玉 燕  副總經理
skype: rachelsu8
wechat: r0928486835
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:104

Korea Hiring

20.10. 韓國僱傭合約Employment Contracts —

– 工資,
– 工作時間和
– 工作環境。

Employers are required to enter into individual work contracts with each employee specifying:
–  wages,
–  work hours and
– working conditions.
Contracts must provide at least the minimum conditions required by law and are otherwise considered null and void.
Labor law generally does not make a distinction between contracts for permanent, part-time and temporary workers.

20.90. Reference Citations —

Employment Contracts: Labor Standards Act, No. 12,325 of 1997 (as amended). arts. 15-18 (Korean)
Restrictions on Hiring: Labor Standards Act, No. 12,325 of 1997 (as amended). arts. 64-69 (Korean)
Record keeping: Labor Standards Act, No. 12,325 of 1997 (as amended). arts. 41-42 (Korean)
Background Checks: Personal Information Protection Act, 2011, arts. 3-4
Non competition Agreements: Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act, No. 911 of 1961 (as amended), arts. 10-11


70.10. 韓國休假Vacation —

為雇主工作至少一年的員工,有權休 15 天的帶薪年假,而在公司工作至少三年的員工,每工作兩年有權額外休 1 天的帶薪年假。
僱員在受僱的第一年有權享有 11 天的帶薪休假。每年休假天數不得超過 25 天。
如果在賺取的一年內沒有使用帶薪休假,除非是由雇主造成的,否則雇主必須在每年的 7 月 1 日開始提醒員工使用他們的年假。
工作時間少於年度工作日 80% 的員工(不包括因工傷,疾病或產假造成的休假天數)有權在每個月全職工作後休 1 天的年假。

Employees who have worked for their employers for at least one year are entitled to 15 days of paid annual leave, and those who have stayed with a company for at least three years are entitled to an additional day of leave for every two years of service.
Employees are entitled to 11 days’ paid leave in the first year of employment.
Total days off may not exceed 25 per year.
Paid leave is forfeited if not used within one year of being earned unless the failure to use the leave was caused by the employer, and employers are required to begin reminding employees to use their annual leave on July 1 of each year.
Employees can be compensated for expired leave days, but only if the employer fails to give the employee three months’ written notice of the expiration.
Employees who work less than 80 percent of the annual workdays—not counting days off due to occupational injuries or diseases or maternity leave—are entitled to one day of annual leave for every month of full attendance at work.
Employees may take advantage of leave days at their own discretion, although an employer may change the leave period if it would seriously interfere with business operations.

70.20. 韓國假期Holidays —

政府只規定一個帶薪假期:勞動節(5 月 1 日)。 雇主可以提供其他的帶薪假,但非強制性的。
對需要在公共假期工作的員工,必須按工作時間領取 150% 的工資。
從 2020 年 1 月 1 日開始,擁有至少 300 名員工的雇主,將被要求為其員工提供額外的公共假期。
僱員人數至少為 30 人,但少於 300 人的雇主,必須在 2021 年 1 月 1 日之前提供額外假期,僱員人數至少為 5 人,
但少於 30 人的雇主,必須在 2022 年 1 月 1 日之前提供額外假期。

The government mandates only one paid holiday: Labor Day (May 1).
Employers may offer others but are not required to do so.
If the holiday falls on a weekend it is moved to the next workday.
Employees who are required to work on public holidays must receive 150 percent of pay for the hours worked.
Beginning Jan. 1, 2020, employers with at least 300 employees will be required to provide additional public holidays for their workers. Employers with at least 30 employees but fewer than 300 employees must provide additional holidays by Jan. 1, 2021, and employers with at least five but fewer than 30 employees must do so by Jan. 1, 2022.
The government is planning to conduct a survey of public holidays and is to release additional guidance on which public holidays will be a part of this practice at a later date.

70.30. 韓國產假Maternity Leave —

孕婦有權休 90 天的產假,其中至少一半必須在產後休完。

雇主向休假工人支付前 60 天的正常工資,之後如果該婦女在休假結束時參加該基金至少 180 天,則由就業保險基金支付剩餘的工資。
其中 75 天是帶薪產假,最後 45 天由就業保險基金支付。

有 1 歲以下孩子的婦女,每個工作日可以有兩次帶薪“哺乳休息”,每次不超過 30 分鐘。
女性員工超過 300 人或員工總數超過 500 人的公司,必須在工作場所提供托兒設施。
所有在懷孕前 12 週內或超過 36 週的女性工人,都可以每天減少兩個小時的工作時間,而不會減少工資。

Pregnant women are entitled to 90 days of maternity leave, at least half of which must be taken after giving birth.
The employer pays a worker on leave regular wages for the first 60 days, after which the Employment Insurance Fund covers the rest if the woman has participated in the fund for at least 180 days by the end of the leave.
With slight adjustments depending on the conditions of the pregnancy, these benefits also extend to women who have miscarriages or stillbirths.
Employers must grant female employees who are pregnant with two or more fetuses a total of 120 days of paid maternity leave, of which 60 days must be used after childbirth. Of this leave, 75 days are paid maternity leave, with the final 45 days compensated by the Employment Insurance Fund.

Women with children under 1 year old may take two paid “nursing recesses” per workday, not to exceed 30 minutes each.
Companies with more than 300 female workers or 500 total employees are required to provide child care facilities at the workplace.
The government provides loans and subsidies to help with the costs of establishing and running the facilities.
All female workers who are within the first 12 weeks or beyond the 36th week of their pregnancies can reduce their working hours by two hours a day with no reduction in pay.

Employees whose normal workday is fewer than eight hours may not request a reduction to a total of fewer than six hours per day.
To receive the benefit, the employee must submit to her employer at least three days prior to when her revised schedule would start a medical certificate confirming the period of pregnancy, the time she wants to report to or leave work, and the date she desires her reduced working hours to begin.
Employers are required to grant pregnant women time off for prenatal examinations without loss of pay.

70.40. 韓國陪產假Paternity Leave —

父親有權在分娩後的前 90 天內休 10 天的帶薪陪產假。

Fathers are entitled to ten days of paid paternity leave within the first 90 days after childbirth.
The government provides a subsidy for five days of paternity leave.
The other five days salary are paid by the employer.
Paternity leave can be used separately, split into a maximum of two periods.

70.50. 韓國病假 Sick Leave —

雇主必須根據女性員工的要求,給予她每月 1 天的月經假。

Employers are required to pay employees for sick leave only in cases of occupational injury or illness, although many employers choose to offer paid sick leave for nonwork ailments upon receipt of proof of illness from a doctor.
Employers are required to grant a female worker one day of menstruation leave per month upon her request.

其他休假Other Leave —

員工有 8 歲以下或小學 2 年級以下的員工,有資格為同一個孩子休一年的育兒假,每次符合條件的假期,還有另外一年工時減少育兒。

Child care leave and reduced working hours.
Employees who have a child aged not more than 8 years or in the 2nd or lower grade of an elementary school are eligible for one year of child care leave, per qualifying leave, and a further one year of reduced working hours for childcare, for the same child.
Any unused period of childcare may be used instead as a period of reduced hours.
Employees receive a wage-replacement subsidy during a child care leave period.

Military service.
South Korean men must serve two years of active military duty and are later required to complete periodic training.
Employers may not penalize employees for work missed due to military obligations.
A “skills-retention subsidy” is given to companies that help veterans who have high school diplomas build on their vocational skills.

Fertility Treatment Leave.
Employees are entitled to three days of leave for fertility treatment.
Only the first day must be paid.
Employers are prohibited from taking disciplinary action against employees who request or take leave for fertility treatment.

70.60. 韓國養老金和社會保障Pensions and Social Security —

法定退休年齡為 61 歲,到 2033 年逐漸上升至 65 歲。
最高繳款為 9%,由雇主和僱員平均分配。
受僱少於一個月,或一個月少於 80 小時的工人免繳社會保險費。
同樣,健康保險由雇主和僱員共同繳納 3.26% 的稅款。
與養老金繳款一樣,受僱少於一個月,或一個月少於 80 小時的工人可以免稅。

The legal retirement age is 61, rising gradually to 65 by 2033.
The National Pension Scheme is a social insurance program financed by equal contributions from employers and employees.
Maximum contributions are 9 percent, split equally between the employer and the employee.
Workers employed for less than a month or less than 80 hours in a month are exempt from social insurance contributions.
Similarly, health insurance is jointly financed with a 3.26 percent tax on both employers and employees.
As with pension contributions, workers employed for less than a month or less than 80 hours in a month are exempt.

70.70. 韓國勞動賠償金Workers’ Compensation —

在醫療期間,工人的工資是其平均工資的 70%。
如果工人因與工作有關的事故或疾病而死亡,倖存者將獲得一次性付款或年金,以及相當於工人平均工資 120 天的喪葬福利。

Most employers are required to participate in the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance system, which provides benefits for workers who incur work-related injuries or diseases.
Premiums are determined by the Ministry of Employment and Labor based on employers’ accident records.
Proof of employer negligence is not necessary for the granting of compensation, although additional damages may be sought in civil court in cases of negligence. Any awards made in civil court will be deducted from workers’ compensation.
Workers’ compensation is provided to employees who need medical care and/or cannot work as a result of an occupational injury or disease for more than three days.
The system covers the costs of medical care, such as examinations and tests, medicine, treatment, surgery, hospitalization and prostheses.
During the period of medical treatment, a worker is paid 70 percent of his or her average wage.
Workers who remain disabled after receiving two years of medical care are paid an annuity or a lump sum, the form of the payment and the amount depending on the type and level of disability.
If a worker dies as a result of a work-related accident or disease, survivors receive a lump-sum payment or an annuity, as well as funeral benefits equal to 120 days of the worker’s average wage.

70.90. Reference Citations —

Vacation: Labor Standards Act, No. 12,325 of 1997 (as amended), art. 60 (Korean)
Holidays: Labor Standards Act, No. 12,325 of 1997 (as amended), art. 56 (Korean);
Labor Standards Act Amendments, 2018, (Korean)
Maternity Leave: Labor Standards Act, No. 12,325 of 1997 (as amended), arts. 74-75 (Korean);
Act on Equal Employment and Support for Work-Family Reconciliation, No. 3,989 of 1987 (as amended), art. 19
Paternity Leave: Act on Equal Employment and Support for Work-Family Reconciliation, No. 3,989 of 1987 (as amended), arts. 18-19
Sick Leave: Labor Standards Act, No. 12,325 of 1997 (as amended), arts. 73, 79 (Korean)
Workers’ Compensation: Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act, No. 13,323 of 2015 (as amended), art. 52


100.10. 韓國雇主終止僱用Termination by Employer —

雇主必須向僱員發出 30 天解僱通知或 30 天補償而不是通知。在以下情況下,雇主可免除通知要求:

員工在產假或工傷假期間,或在休假後返回工作崗位後 30 天內不得被解僱。

Under Korean labor law, employers may not fire, lay off, suspend or transfer a worker, cut a worker’s pay or take other punitive measures against a worker without just cause.
Dismissal of employees is difficult and should be avoided as much as possible through careful hiring.
Just cause for termination would include lack of aptitude, continuing unsatisfactory work, debilitating disease, breach of the employment contract, egregiously unacceptable misconduct on the job, misrepresentation about education or work experience, improper relationship with another employee or criminal violation.
Employers must give employees either 30 days’ notice of dismissal or 30 days’ compensation instead of notice.

Employers are exempted from the notification requirement in the following cases:
-when employees are hired on a daily basis for a period of less than three months;
-when employees are contracted to work for a fixed period of two months or less;
-when workers are employed on a monthly basis for less than six months;
-when seasonal employees are contracted for a period of six months or less;
-when probationary employees are employed for less than three months;
-when workers cause considerable harm to the business or intentionally damage workplace property; and
-when it is impossible to continue business because of extraordinary circumstances such as natural disaster, armed conflict or bankruptcy.

Incentive programs such as early retirement plans are permissible only if eligibility is based on years of service and not an employee’s position or department.
Employees may not be fired during maternity or occupational injury leave or within 30 days of returning to work from such leave.

100.20. 韓國工廠關閉和大規模裁員Plant Closings and Mass Layoffs —

雇主必須使用公平的解僱標準,提前 50 天通知工人代表並與他們協商。
如果裁員超過 10%,企業必須提前 30 天通知就業和勞工部。裁員後,用人單位三年內聘用同一崗位的,應當優先聘用下崗職工。


An employer may lay off employees if there is a transfer, acquisition or merger of the business in order to avoid financial difficulties and if every effort to avoid the layoffs has been made.
The employer must use fair criteria for the dismissals, give 50 days’ notice of the layoffs to workers’ representatives and hold consultations with them.
In the event of layoffs of more than 10 percent of employees, businesses must give 30 days’ notice to the Ministry of Employment and Labor.
After a layoff, if an employer seeks to hire for the same jobs within three years, it must give preference to the laid-off employees.

The Korean government is placing increasing emphasis on prevention of layoffs.
Government subsidies are available to companies making efforts to avoid layoffs, and employment subsidy programs reward companies that attempt temporary shutdown, training, suspension of work, reassignment of workers or transformation of a shift work system to avoid layoffs.
If a business is closing because of unavoidable circumstances such as natural disasters, armed conflict or bankruptcy, the employer is not required to give advance notice of employee dismissals.

100.30. 韓國終止僱用合約資遣Payment on Termination —


Employees are entitled to severance pay of one month’s salary for each year of employment paid within two weeks of termination of employment.

100.40. 韓國失業保險Unemployment Insurance —

雇主和僱員分攤失業保險費用。總保費按僱員收入的 0.9% 計算,雇主和僱員各支付 0.45%。
失業保險福利通常是一個人以前平均工資的50%,並根據受益人的年齡和就業保險計劃的參與情況提供 90 至 240 天。

Employers and employees split the cost of unemployment insurance.
Total premiums are calculated at a rate of 0.9 percent of an employee’s income, and the employer and the employee each pay 0.45 percent.
Employers also must contribute to the job stabilization and job capability development program, which is designed to prevent layoffs, promote job creation and provide job training to employees.
Only those involuntarily unemployed who are able to work, are actively seeking employment and have participated in the employment insurance program for at least 180 days may collect unemployment compensation.
Workers fired for serious misconduct are not eligible.
The benefit is generally 50 percent of a person’s former average wage and is available for 90 to 240 days depending on the beneficiary’s age and participation in the employment insurance program.
Extensions of this period are available in some cases.

100.90. Reference Citations —

Termination by Employer: Labor Standards Act, No. 12,325 of 1997 (as amended), arts. 23-27 (Korean)
Plant Closings and Mass Layoffs: Labor Standards Act, No. 12,325 of 1997 (as amended), arts. 24-25 (Korean)
Payment on Termination: Labor Standards Act, No. 12,325 of 1997 (as amended), art. 13 (Korean)
***Above contents  being digested  and translated form Bloomberg HR Database dated 20210710

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聯絡人:蘇 玉 燕  副總經理
skype: rachelsu8
wechat: r0928486835
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:104

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